Healthy bubble gum sorbet

July 21, 2015 6 By EngineerMommy

You will not believe what this healthy sorbet is made out of! The base of this frozen treat is what makes it creamy and rich and delicious… it’s also exactly what makes it healthy. Rather than sweetened condensed milk or heavy cream (as in traditional ice creams), the base of this Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet is frozen bananas. Bananas? In ice cream? What? Yes, frozen bananas, when pureed with other ingredients, forms a delectable (and super healthy) frozen sorbet dessert!

I’ve made frozen desserts with frozen bananas before, like this delicious Homemade Strawberry Sorbet. You can really pick any flavors to add to the frozen bananas, and the final product will (mostly) feature your add-in flavors, rather than the bananas! So here’s the super simple recipe!

Healthy bubble gum sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 cup frozen banana slices
3 drops Bubble Gum Flavoring
3 drops red food coloring (for pink color)
Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet


1. Simply throw all your ingredients into a high-powered blender or food processor. Pulse until combined.

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

2. Transfer to a freezer-safe container. Place in freezer for several hours.
Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

3. Take out of freezer and let thaw for 10 minutes. Using a scoop, dole out portions. Top with sprinkles (optional).
Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Enjoy! The bubble gum flavor really comes through strong! It tastes delicious and is a nostalgic flavor for me, so I love making this frozen concoction.
Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

This is such a fun treat, and something you can serve the kids without guilt. There’s no added sugar, folks!
Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

Healthy Bubble Gum Sorbet

It’s a pretty healthy (and very festive) dessert, if you ask me!

If you’re looking for other healthy dessert options, check out these favorites below!
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Frozen Fruit Desserts
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