DIY Elastic Hair Ties

August 6, 2015 10 By EngineerMommy

Have you all seen those hand-knotted hair ties they sell at fashion & department stores- at a price of like 4 hair ties for $5? Yea, those ones! Well, I’m here to tell you that you do not need to spend that kind of money for simple pieces of elastic. There’s no need to do so, my friends.

I picked up a set of four different cord elastics at Walmart for only 2 bucks- with enough elastic to make probably 50 hair ties! And the steps are so ridiculously simple! Trust me, you can do this!

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

1. Pick up some cord elastic. I found this set at Walmart for only about 2 bucks. It has 4 different patterns. Isn’t it pretty?

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

2. Snip small strips of the elastic and fold them over in half.
DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

3. Make small knots at the open ends.
DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

4. Using a lighter, carefully singe the edges of the knotted end to prevent fraying.
DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

Voila! Finished Elastic Hair Ties!
DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

Simply wrap them around a piece of cardboard and you can give them to a friend, relative, neighbor or teacher as a small gift! It would be adorable with a pretty, little label! Aren’t they cute? If you head to the fabric store, you’ll probably find cord elastic in about a million different patterns!
DIY Elastic Hair Ties

DIY Elastic Hair Ties

I’m loving my new hair ties! And I’m also loving what they cost me – next to nothing! 🙂 Happy crafting, friends!

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