Why You Need to Start Dry Brushing Today

October 9, 2020 0 By EngineerMommy

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Have you ever heard of dry brushing? It’s a technique of revitalizing the skin that has gained popularity in recent months. Let’s talk all about dry brushing today!

What To Use For Dry Brushing:

1. Compact Dry Brush: I love this compact one because it’s easy to hold in the hand and really wake up the skin. This one even has massage nodes, which are perfect for additional skin stimulation.

2. Full-Size Dry Brush: If you’re looking for one with a longer handle, this is a great option. I love that you can easily reach spots on your back or legs that might be difficult with the compact version.

Benefits of Dry Brushing:

  1. It can reduce the appearance of cellulite: While dry brushing cannot completely get rid of cellulite, it can reduce its appearance by massaging the adipose tissue that stores fat under the skin surface.
  2. It sloughs away dead skin cells: Dry brushing can remove the dead skin cells that have accumulated on your skin; these dead skin cells are responsible for creating a dull appearance. By dry brushing, you can speed up the formation of new skin cells too.
  3. It improves circulation: By dry brushing, you can improve blood circulation, which makes the lymphatic system more efficient so toxins are expelled more quickly. 
  4. It improves skin absorption: When we apply creams or serums to our skin, they cannot be properly absorbed if there is a mixture of dead skin cells, ingrown hairs, sweat and product build-up on our skin. By dry brushing, you can remove this layer of gunk and improve the absorption of lotions & serums applied to the skin.
  5. It reduces stress: This one may seem odd at first, but the sensation of dry brushing can be incredibly therapeutic. Not only does it feel great (it releases feel-good endorphins,) but it’s also relaxing in a way that’s similar to meditation. 

If you haven’t yet, try dry brushing and then let me know what you think. 

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