It’s okay to not always be okay: Reflections on the Coronavirus Quarantine
May 27, 2020If you’ve found yourself trying to decide whether you should completely overhaul your home’s organization or just curl up on the bed & cry, you’re not alone. In the middle of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, many of us are flooded with a wide range of emotions on the daily. Here are some of my reflections on the coronavirus quarantine.
It’s okay to stay busy.
For some people, the best way to cope with stress is to keep themselves as occupied as possible – and there are many days where I fall into this category. Folks may join an online class or do 1000-piece puzzles or bake bread or any of a myriad of other things. If that’s what you’re drawn to, go with it. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing whatever will provide the most satisfaction and peace during a stressful period.
It’s okay to do nothing.
Some people may be drawn to elaborate recipes or weekend-long DIY projects, but it’s okay if you’re not one of those people. It’s also perfectly okay to do absolutely nothing. Anxiety is usually high during a pandemic so if you’re having trouble focusing, it’s quite understandable too. While there are days, in which I try to keep as busy as possible, there are also many days, where the motivation is just not there. I may do the bare minimum on those days and that’s alright.
It’s okay to be confused.
Managing one’s emotions during the quarantine is no easy task. One moment you may be calm and content. One moment you may be nervous and stressed. One moment you may have clarity that’s quickly followed by confusion. It’s all okay. Give yourself the opportunity to process all these emotions without judging yourself… without being hard on yourself. Realize that above all else, we are all in this together. Everyone is going through a variety of emotions and there’s no right or wrong way to feel about the situation.
It’s okay to grieve our previous lifestyles.
Regardless of your profession or age, you’re probably experiencing a very different everyday life than you experienced pre-pandemic. It’s okay if you miss the parties. It’s okay if you miss your friends and family. It’s okay if you miss shopping. Grieving the loss of our former lifestyles is totally normal and expected. Just keep in mind that the quarantine is a temporary phenomenon and things will go back to normal eventually.