5 Backyard Gardening Myths… DEBUNKED!
July 17, 2020Got a backyard garden? Check out this list of common gardening myths… debunked! While some of these gardening misconceptions ideas are fairly popular, they have all been discredited by experts in the industry.
Backyard Gardening Myth #1: Drought-tolerant plants don’t need water.
Just because a plant is tolerant of low water conditions doesn’t mean you should never water it. These types of plants simply need less water than other plants, but they still require watering. If the soil around such plants is dry to the touch, water it. When plants are young, they are particularly susceptible to drought because their roots are just getting established.
Backyard Gardening Myth #2: Organic pesticides are a smarter choice than synthetic ones.
Natural pesticides are not necessarily safer just because they’re natural. Natural poisons, such as pyrethrin, can be just as hazardous to people & pets as the man-made variety. If you are planning to use a product to control the pests in your yard, avoid the temptation to assume that natural equates to safe. Base your decision on the active ingredients in question: both their effectiveness and their safety.
Backyard Gardening Myth #3: Fertilizer is necessary for a healthy garden.
Many lawn brands might try to convince you otherwise, but the truth is that plants don’t necessarily need to be fed. Nurseries may try to push their product on you at checkout but assuming the plant is free from disease, all you need is soil, water & sun.
Backyard Gardening Myth #4: Leaving grass clippings on the lawn is harmful.
There’s a common myth out there that if you leave your grass clippings on the lawn after mowing, thatch will develop. What is thatch? It’s a thick layer of dead plant material that can make it difficult for new grass to thrive. Despite the prevalence of this myth, the truth is that it’s preferable to leave grass clippings in place – it will add nitrogen to your lawn.
Backyard Gardening Myth #5: Newspaper makes a great weed barrier.
It’s true that this material can sometimes be used as a weed barrier, but caution must be taken to ensure these are used properly. If it becomes too wet (or too dry,) it can block water penetration. Aim for around 3 sheets of newspaper if you’re using it to block weeds; more than that can cause more harm than good.

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