5 Tips for the Best Morning Ever

April 16, 2019 18 By EngineerMommy

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TeaProudly, #ConstantComment, #CollectiveBias

I have always been an early riser. Sometimes I wish I can be one of those people that can sleep in a few extra hours, but alas, my body naturally wakens with the sun every morning. Over the years, however, I have found a number of ways to make the most of that hour or two I wake up before everyone else. Today I’ll share my best tips for having the best morning ever, from enjoying a warm mug of Bigelow Tea to getting that heart rate up.

Have you ever tried Bigelow “Constant Comment” Decaf Tea? It’s a unique, delicious recipe and it’s hands-down my favorite tea flavor of all time! Hover over the following image to purchase.


1. Get that heart rate up!
Starting the day with a little cardio is always a good idea. Usually, I will either hop on the elliptical for 45 minutes or just take a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes I’ll even do a power cleaning session around the house and clean the house as quickly as I can- that burns calories too! And the best part? After 30-40 minutes, I have a cleaner house and my cardio is done for the day.

2. Sip some Bigelow Tea!
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know all about my love for tea. I think I started drinking tea regularly in college. It was a delicious, fun way for me to unwind and decompress after a long day of studying. Now, as a mom & business owner, I still drink tea several times per day. One of my favorite flavors of all time is Bigelow “Constant Comment” Decaf Tea. What is Bigelow Tea “Constant Comment”? It is a tea that broke the rules, changed the game, and was created for those who refuse to settle! 

Whenever I drink tea, I truly feel a sense of inner peace. There’s something about sipping a warm beverage that just soothes my soul. With Bigelow “Constant Comment” Decaf Tea, the flavor is so uniquely delicious that #MyConstantComment has been a staple in my kitchen for years now!

If you’ve ever tried Bigelow “Constant Comment” Decaf Tea, you might have wondered what goes into the recipe. Well, it’s a secret and Bigelow Tea is not telling. Shhhh! 

Let “Constant Comment” tea transport you out of the ordinary, into places of unexpected discovery. 

For me, the flavor and secret recipe is totally intriguing. I don’t know exactly what goes into this tea, but I do know that it’s delicious! It’s #CuriouslyDifferent and impossible to forget. 

Bigelow Tea is available at Walmart. Pick it up from the tea aisle. #TeaProudly 

3. Don’t skip breakfast!
I have never been someone who can skip breakfast. I feel best when I have a well-rounded meal in the morning. One of my favorite breakfast solutions that’s quick & easy to prepare is a fruit smoothie. I simply add almond milk, frozen fruits and almond butter into a blender and process until smooth. Another breakfast staple for me is scrambled eggs with some fruit on the side. As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day – don’t skip it! 

4. Keep track of deadlines!
I truly cannot imagine staying on top of my responsibilities without my monthly calendar. I rely on it and refer to it several times per day – every single day. It’s the easiest way for me to keep track of personal appointments, kid’s activities, blog deadlines and more – all in one place! Every single morning, I take a few minutes to take a look at my monthly calendar and plan my daily to-do list. It’s part of my morning routine to ensure I stay productive throughout the day. 

5. Create a daily routine!
For me, mornings tend to be pretty routine because I created a routine that works for me – and I have stuck with it. If your mornings seem hectic or unpredictable, take some time to write down a schedule of what you hope to accomplish each morning. Until it becomes habitual, write it all down on a piece of paper. Include everything from exercising and eating breakfast to meditating and getting ready. While it may silly at first, you’ll find that having a set schedule will make a big difference in the long run.

Don’t forget to learn more about the various flavors of Bigelow Tea and see how Bigelow Tea can help you have the best morning ever! Have you ever tried Bigelow Tea #ConstantComment? Do you also start your morning with a cup of tea?



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