Breaking Boundaries
March 7, 2017This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #StrengthHasNoGender #CollectiveBias
I remember my college days well. I graduated about ten years ago and have very fond memories of great friends, fun times and lots of lessons learned. However, my college experience was not without challenges. In fact, overcoming gender stereotypes was probably the hallmark of my college experience. Breaking those boundaries is something that has given me so much pride and has really shaped the person that I am today. That’s why I’m really loving the Strength Has No Gender™ initiative from Brawny®.
Breaking Boundaries
Back in high school, I really enjoyed the subjects of mathematics and chemistry. That led me to study chemical engineering in college. I was excited about really mastering advanced topics in those subjects. However, as I sat in classes in my undergraduate studies, I quickly realized that this was a male-dominated industry. In many classes, I realized I was one of only three females in the class of 30 students. I knew that engineering and other STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subjects were heavily populated by males, but I didn’t realize originally just how much of a minority I would be.

Breaking Boundaries
It soon became clear that I needed to work twice as hard as my peers to be taken just as seriously. However unfair that may be, I was up for the challenge. I decided I would work twice as hard until it was obvious that I was just as capable as my male peers.

Breaking Boundaries
So, beginning in my freshman year and continuing through all four years of my undergraduate studies, I studied long and hard. I mastered oxidation-reduction chemical reactions. I really understood the principles of thermodynamics and the methodologies of designing chemical reactors. I took the time to become fluent in advanced complex algebra and differential equations. Eventually, there was a definite satisfaction to truly understanding and mastering the material.

Breaking Boundaries
In fact, I took great pride in being able to conquer the subjects. There is something special about working on a chemistry problem for an hour (sometimes the problems would be so complex with many individual steps that it would take that long), and then discovering the perfect solution that satisfies all the requirements.

Breaking Boundaries
My hard work certainly paid off. There were numerous exams over my four years of studies, where I earned the top grade in the class. My dedication to studying earned me a GPA of 3.87 upon graduating. Not only did I graduate summa cum laude from my undergraduate school, but I was also accepted to study chemical engineering at the graduate level at an Ivy League University.

Breaking Boundaries
Yes, my time in college was a memorable experience. I worked hard to debunk some myths and counter those stereotypes that I faced. My experience in college taught me many lessons, the most important of which is that girls are just as capable as boys of excelling in STEM subjects. As a current mom of two young daughters, I am taking the opportunity every day to encourage my kids to pursue their interests in science and math. After my experiences in college, it’s so important to me that my girls understand that they are just as capable of success in STEM subjects as anyone else. This is why I am happy to support the Strength Has No Gender™ initiative from Brawny®.

Although the original Brawny® man (Eric Solie) will always be popular, Rosie the Riveter is the new female role model, who is just as strong and impressive! Indeed strength has no gender. Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with physical strength- it’s all about debunking gender stereotypes! The Strength Has No Gender™ campaign puts the focus on the motivational stories of women across the nation, who have been breaking stereotypes in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Not only do I love that Brawny® is promoting female empowerment, but I am also a regular purchaser of Brawny® Pick-a-Size 8 Giant Plus. These paper towels actually offer more sheets per roll (compared to leading national brand comparable roll and sheet size). Plus, they’re so absorbent that I need to use fewer sheets to clean up messes. As a mom of two young kids and a new puppy, there are plenty of messes that I deal with on a daily basis. These paper towels are one of my everyday essentials!

Did you know that March 8 is actually International Women’s Day? Let’s all support female empowerment and help Brawny® in this important mission. Look for Brawny® Paper Towels at Walmart, specifically the following variety: exclusive to Walmart, limited-time Strength Has No Gender™ pack.

Want to see an example of a strong woman who is breaking down barriers on an everyday basis? Check out this video below, featuring Vernice Armour.
Learn more about what makes Brawny® Paper Towels better than the competition and tell me: Have you ever debunked gender stereotypes? Did you overcome any obstacles in college?

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I am old fashioned and I like staying home and taking care of the kids and house. My husband can go to work and be the bread winner 🙂
I love this! I’ve been on both sides of this- in esthetics school, I was around only women. In the law field, I am largely surrounded by men. No matter what, I make it my goal to outshine the rest no matter who they are!
Congratulations on your chemical engineering degree. Go out and show those men a thing to two. We like using brawny paper towels. They are thick and really soak up messes. Doesn’t take as much to clean up.
That is so great that you enjoyed math and science so much. I liked them, but I was definitely more on a language arts type of student! I love reading so that’s no surprise. It’s cool that Brawny is promoting women as being strong too.
Congratulation on finishing college with a really impressive GPA. You have a bright future ahead of you because you really work hard on your goals.
I truly admire people that go for their dreams no matter how scary or intimidating it can be. I am so happy that you stuck with a career that you loved even though it was a male-dominated world. That could not of been easy that is awesome!
I love that Brawny has a strength has no gender campaign! I have 3 girls and I am constantly telling them that they can do anything they put their minds to. They are strong women!
You have got courage! This situation is the same in India as well. Females have to work twice as hard as the Males to be given equal rights. All the girls should be motivated and molded in a way that they are determined to chase their dreams and achieve their goals despite being a stronger gender that is looked upon as a weaker one.
You go on with your bad arse self! That is so incredibly wonderful.
I went to school to be a nurse and my parents hated that. They wanted me to be a doctor because I was too smart to be a nurse. Thing is, I wanted to be a nurse. I didn’t want anything to do with the doctor role. I wanted more patient contact – when I blew through nursing school with honours and landed an ER job right before I even had my license…they changed their tune.
I love this story. You can do anything.
How cool that Brawny is breaking boundaries like this! The Brawny man is iconic so it’s really neat that they are doing this.
It still is this way today – sadly. my son attends a Science, Engineering and math Academy for High School and it is predominately males. Hopefully, more women will flip on over!
Wow. Good for you. Being in a male dominated field is no small feat. Succeeding in that field is even more of an accomplishment. Way to go. Also how cool is it that they finally have a female rep on this Brawny brand? I think I will look for her.
Great job staying determined, achieving good grades and reaching your goals. cheers to strong women!
Wow. Amazing achievement! It must have been made your whole family so proud! However, as in any other part of the world, there still exists that stigma that women will never be as good as the men. I hope this would end! I remember that video that came out years ago, “run like a girl.” Just continue to be an inspiration and I am sure young girls would be so motivated by your story.
I’m not going to lie…this Brawny campaign makes me so incredibly happy. I just love everything about it and thanks for sharing your inspiring story. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE.
Brawny sounds really always. That is really cool they have a no gender campaign. I think its great, and fits right in with the times.
So happy to read your story. My daughter is a freshman in high school and has suddenly decided she wants to be a mechanical engineer. She is one of only 2 girls in her engineering class at school and she recently became part of an all-girl robotics team. I am loving watching her thrive among the boys/men in this field. Can’t wait to see where she ends up. I hope more women will start talking about their untraditionally-female jobs. It really makes a different to have role models for our young girls. #client
This is great news! It is about time that women get some recognition. I like that Brawny is empowering women by making the new face of Brawny a woman. And she is a tough woman as well! I really like that part.
This was such an inspiring post. We should always go for our dreams and do whatever it takes to accomplish our goals. This sounds like a great brand!