DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets & Promoting Optimal Rest

February 8, 2016 20 By EngineerMommy

This shop, featuring DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets, has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone and should not be taken as medical advice. #HonestGoodness #CollectiveBias

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season has passed, I am completely focused on starting 2016 in the best possible way. I’ve always made my health and wellness a priority in my life. Heading to the gym a few times a week, making smart food choices & ensuring adequate nightly rest are all things I’ve prioritized throughout my life. And now that we are a few weeks into the New Year, I think it’s the perfect time to share some simple steps I’ve taken to start my year off in a healthy way! From making some fun DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets to incorporating some products from Nature’s Truth into my daily routine, I’m excited to show you what I’m doing to stay healthy this year!

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets & Promoting Optimal Rest

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets & Promoting Optimal Rest

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets & Promoting Optimal Rest

These lavender sleep sachets are a fabulous little project that can be put together in a matter of minutes. The pleasantly relaxing scent of lavender makes this a perfect sachet to leave by the bed on a little nightstand so you can enjoy the fragrance as you drift to sleep at night. You can also make a few of these sachets and place them inside drawers or closets to leave a wonderfully calming scent in these areas! When making these sachets, be sure to use Nature’s Truth Lavender Oil, which is a very popular essential oil.

I’ve always loved using essential oils, as they tend to have great cosmetic properties. I really love how the Nature’s Truth Lavender Oil is free of parabens and the oil is widely used throughout the world for its relaxing and comforting qualities.

Are you ready to see how these lavender sachets come together?

dried lavender flowers
15 drops of Nature’s Truth Lavender Oil
3 organza bags
purple ribbon
printable tags

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

1. Place the dried lavender flowers inside the little bags. Fill them about 2/3 of the way full. Sprinkle about 5 drops of Nature’s Truth Lavender Oil inside each bag.

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

2. Tie a purple ribbon around each bag.
DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

3. Download my set of printable tags for the Lavender Sachets by clicking on the below image or clicking here.


4. Cut out the little tags and attach them to the ribbons with a dot of glue.
DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

These little lavender sachets also make fabulous little gifts for birthdays, holidays, etc.
DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

These sleep sachets offer a very relaxing scent that helps to relax me. Speaking of proper rest, during a recent visit to Rite Aid, I picked up a bottle of Nature’s Truth Melatonin.
DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

Widely popular, Nature’s Truth Melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate sleep cycles and the circadian rhythm.* When the levels of this hormone in our bodies are too low, sleep tends to be broken and restless! However, when taken as a supplement, Melatonin can help with occasional sleeplessness.* In promoting optimal rest & relaxation, Nature’s Truth® Melatonin 12 mg comes in gluten free, fast dissolving tabs for optimal absorption.* Please note: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Nature's Truth

Nature’s Truth

While I was at Rite Aid picking up the Melatonin, I also picked up a jar of the Nature’s Truth Turmeric.
Nature's Truth Turmeric and Melatonin

DIY Lavender Sleep Sachets

This is a spice commonly used in curries! Furthermore, it is a natural tonic that supports the immune system.* In fact, what makes this spice spectacular is it contains natural compounds known as curcuminoids, which have strong antioxidant properties.* Please note: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Nature's Truth Turmeric and Melatonin

Nature’s Truth Turmeric and Melatonin

If you’d like to try some of these Nature’s Truth products for yourself, be sure to take the Honestly Good Challenge! Buy Nature’s Truth products and try them for 30 days. The result will be that you’ll feel the difference that’s made with Nature’s Truth vitamins! And if you’re not completely satisfied, you can get your money back. Ready to start? Visit the HonestlyGoodChallenge site to sign up for discounts, prizes and more!

Keep up-to-date on latest products and promotions by following Nature’s Truth on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram! You can find their products at Rite Aid, Walgreens, Amazon and! I found their products at my local Rite Aid store.

Finding Nature's Truth at Rite Aid

Finding Nature’s Truth at Rite Aid

Now, learn more about Nature’s Truth products here and tell me: which of their supplements would you like to incorporate into your health & wellness routine?

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