Spring Activities and Crafts for Kids
February 24, 2015There are so many fun Spring themed crafts and activities for kids. If you are looking for some fun arts & craft projects for your toddler or preschooler, then check out this list. I know Spring is still a little while away, but I am very much looking forward to it. The stores are already putting out their Spring & Garden products on display. Plus, you can make flower-themed art at home any day of the year, anyway! 🙂
Spring Activities and Crafts for Kids
1. I love this spring branch craft. You can use a twig or branch from outside, and small rolled-up pieces of tissue paper to form little flower buds. How cute is this!
2. You can a flower as a paint brush, and make pretty flower stamps. How much fun does this look? I think my toddler and preschooler would absolutely love this one!
3. These plastic eggs are available all over the place in the Spring. Use them to make an adorable caterpillar!
4. These paper plate fish are also so sweet. I love how the kids can personalize each fish to their heart’s content!

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