Pool Noodle RaceTrack {Easy Kid’s Craft}

June 14, 2015 4 By EngineerMommy

Here is a quick post on a fun little craft project you can make for the kiddos with a pool noodle!

So this little craft came about because I was looking for a fun, easy craft to make with a pool noodle. They always have these at Dollar Tree, and my kids always want to pick up a few when we are there. They love the shape and texture of pool noodles and they love to wave them around and have “noodle fights” with them. I knew I wanted to make something the kids would have fun with. I came across this idea and knew my kids would love it.

So I picked up a pool noodle from the store.

Pool Noodle Race Track {Easy Kid's Craft}

Pool Noodle Race Track {Easy Kid’s Craft}

Pool Noodle RaceTrack {Easy Kid’s Craft}

Pool Noodle RaceTrack {Easy Kid's Craft}

Pool Noodle RaceTrack {Easy Kid’s Craft}

All I had to do was take a small hand saw and slice the pool noodle lengthwise. Use a sawing motion to make a clean cut. Once you are done cutting the pool noodle, just prop one end somewhere high. And then simply grab a small ball or small car and race them down the track. My girls had a blast sending all their cars down the track! I only snapped pics of when we sent down the track leftover ping pong balls from this fun monster craft!
Pool Noodle RaceTrack {Easy Kid's Craft}

Pool Noodle RaceTrack {Easy Kid’s Craft}

It’s a fun little project that you could even decorate with little flags and feathers and pom poms! Have fun racing!

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