My Coffee Station at Home
November 14, 2015A coffee station? You may be wondering what a coffee station is… and understandably so. A year ago, I had never heard of this whole coffee station thing. But nowadays, coffee stations are all the rage. And it makes perfect sense. A lot of us are making teas and coffees at home (as opposed to buying them at the local coffee shop)! I know I’ve been making all sorts of drinks (teas, coffees, chai lattes, hot chocolates, etc.) at home recently. And in order to make beverage prep at home easier and more efficient, I’ve created this little Beverage Station to keep all my gear in one spot.
Now, let me just say that although I’m calling this my coffee station, it’s actually more than that. It’s also my tea station and my all-around beverage station. In order to put this little station together, I gathered some items I had on hand already and paired that with some dollar store cups & spoons. I’m all about affordable decor!
So if you like to enjoy drinks at home, like I do, then consider making this Coffee Station in your home to keep all your tea bags, coffee grounds, sweeteners, syrups, spoons, etc. in one convenient place! I promise… you’ll be smiling once all your coffee-making supplies are neatly organized!
Coffee Station

Coffee Station
Ok, so here’s how this all went down! The first thing I did was find a spot for my coffee station! I picked a part of the countertop right next to the sink. This was for practical reasons- I need to fill up my tea kettle and coffee maker with water, so I figured this would be a logical place for them!

Coffee Station
I picked up a small set of glass salt & pepper shakers from the dollar store. I filled one up with cocoa powder and the other with cinnamon. Of course, a cute label makes everything better! Now, I can sprinkle some of my coffee shop flavors right on top of my coffee- at home!

Coffee Station
I got these plastic spoons from the dollar store. I think they are technically ice cream spoons (maybe?), but I just tossed them into a clean, glass mason jar. It’s the perfect stirrer for my drinks!

Coffee Station
Here I tossed some sweetener packets into another glass jar.

Coffee Station
I also have these bottle of coffee syrup: French Vanilla and Hazelnut.

Coffee Station
I have these white canisters to hold my loose teas and coffee grounds. I think we got them as a wedding present years ago. They sit right next to my coffee station tray!

Coffee Station
There’s my electric tea kettle hiding behind the coffee maker. It works so well to bring a HUGE amount of water to a boil in no time!

Coffee Station
Now, for my bagged teas, I used to have so many various flavors in boxes all over the place.

Coffee Station
I put some of them in these tea tins. I cut out the labels from the boxes and taped them onto the exterior of the tin, so I can identify the contents.

Coffee Station
For the rest of them, I simply lined up the tea bags in this large plastic container. It keeps them all in one place and I can still see all the different flavors. This container sits in the cabinet right above the coffee station.

Coffee Station
And so, here is everything altogether. I placed it all onto this chalkboard tray I got from Target. I wrote the word “SIP” on it with a piece of chalk! How cute is this?!

Coffee Station
I’m definitely loving my coffee station. It keeps all my coffee-making, tea-making, beverage-making supplies at hand! And plus, when guests come over, they’re always happy to fix themselves a decadent drink at our beverage station!

Coffee Station
Now, tell me: do you have a coffee station at home? Would you like to set one up?!

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