Clothespins Makeover with Washi Tape
May 25, 2015Happy Memorial Day, friends! Firstly, we are basically done decorating and styling the play room- not that it will stay organized, neat and decorated in the same way for too long with these rascals kids! Anyway, part of the room will be dedicated to an art center, where they will have access to all kinds of papers, paints, markers, crayons, and random crafty embellishments (like feathers, googly eyes, and glitters).
Part of this art center is an art display area, where I can show off their nicest masterpieces! It also serves as FREE wall decor! I love that. I will do a post in a few days, where I talk about how I created the actual DIY art display center, not too dissimilar from this DIY art center I did in the past. Also check out this post and this post for more inspiration!
Clothespins Makeover with Washi Tape
Anyway, so I hung up their artwork with these adorable, tiny little clothespins. I picked them up in the Dollar Spot of Target- like 12 or so for a buck! Love that place! 🙂
But the clothespins were so boring as is, so I knew I had to pretty them up a bit. It was remarkably easy to do so… especially since I have an obscenely large washi tape collection! Here are just a few that I used for this project.
The method is very, very simple. I simply placed a piece of tape on the clothespin, and then used scissors to trim away the excess.
It was so easy. Originally, I thought I would measure the dimensions of the clothespins and then cut the washi tape to fit exactly, but my method of trimming away the excess went much, much faster! And it still looks great!
I love the finished set of washi tape clothespins- so pretty. And now my kids’ art display station will look super stylish!

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