Green Elf Sandwich Cookies {Recipe}
December 2, 2014 0 By EngineerMommySo, the Christmas season is officially in full force here at Casa Engineer Mommy! I love the Christmas season. I love how there’s so many yummy treats to bake. I love how those treats fill my kitchen (and my home) with the lovely aromas of holiday baking. I love how my two young girls help me prepare said treats: everything from mixing the batter to scooping out the cookie mounds. It’s all good. And it’s so much fun.
Well, one part of the Christmas spirit that we got into this year (for the first time ever) is the Elf on the Shelf. I was thinking about doing it last year, but my oldest was barely over 2, and my youngest was about 5 months old. I was doubtful it would make a real impact on them that year. And to be frank, I was still adjusting to motherhood life with two young kids. The transition from one kid to two kids was especially challenging for me, for a number of reasons, but more on that another time. Let’s talk about cookies now!
So this Elf who made her grand appearance at our house this morning actually gets hungry sometimes. And it is our job as her host family to feed her. She likes cookies (don’t we all?!) My 3 year old was totally buying that this elf only needs cookies to survive… ah to be young & gullible! So the elf showed up at our front door, perched next to one of our duffel bags, with a rolled-up letter between her hands. I will write a post soon to show you how I set that up, as well as the actual letter she came with. So these cookies… they needed to be cool, unique and well… green! These elf sandwich cookies are so delicious and such a breeze to whip together, you’ll want to make a big batch, I’m sure!
So I created this recipe, and believe me, it’s such a simple one. It’s actually a semi-homemade version of a cookie. You don’t need to be baking cookies from scratch for this lil recipe. You can simply start off with Nilla Vanilla Wafer cookies. So convenient!
Green Elf Sandwich Cookies {Recipe}
- Nilla vanilla wafer cookies
- 3 tbsp. Marshmallow creme
- green food coloring
- 2 tbsp. powdered sugar
- red and green sprinkles
Combine the powdered sugar and 2 tbsp. water in a small bowl. Whisk to mix well, until a thin icing results. Dip the tops of the vanilla wafer cookies in the icing.
Sprinkle the cookies with the sprinkles.
In another bowl, combine the marshmallow creme and a few drops of green food coloring. Combine until the color is uniform throughout.
Using a spoon, scoop about 1 tsp. worth of the green marshmallow creme onto one cookie. Then take another cookie and place it on top of the marshmallow creme, forming a simple sandwich.
Place them in the refrigerator to firm up.
For more delicious recipes, be sure to check out some of these favorites:
Pineapple & Coconut Gingerbread Cupcakes
Chocolate Brownie – Cake Hybrid

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