Clever organizing tips

April 16, 2012 1 By EngineerMommy

I love to organize, and I organize everything in my house. Here is a small round-up of some great tips for organizing closets, cabinets and spaces around your house.

Clever organizing tips

  1. Organize your medicines in the cabinet above the microwave oven like this to keep the drugs away from the children. Use clear storage baskets with labels that identify the content.- A bowl full of lemons
  2. Take old formula cans (or any old cans), cover them in twine and embellish with a pretty label like this for fun and practical organization- Brown paper packages
  3. Find an old salvaged railing and add racks, knobs and containers to make a practical wrapping paper station like this.- Crafty nest
  4. Re-do your whole pantry with a ton of clear glass jars and big wicker baskets all adorned with adorable labels like this.- A little of this, a little of that

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