Baby leg warmers DIY

February 1, 2012 0 By EngineerMommy

If you’re a sucker for chubby, little baby thighs in adorable leg warmers, you can make a pair of them yourself fairly easily. You don’t have to shell out big bucks for the brand name pair. And plus, you can flex your crafting muscles and show off this amazingly simple little DIY project to all your friends!

DIY baby leg warmers

  1. Find a pair of cute knee-high socks and cut the socks in half right above the heel portion. I found my socks on Clearance at Target for a couple bucks.
  2. Turn the socks inside out and hand-stitch a hem to the cut edge. The cut edge will still curl and I like that look. If you prefer not to have the curled look, you can try ironing the edge.
  3. Turn the socks back into right side out and try them out. Find a little cutie (preferably with chubby thighs) and slip these socks on.
  4. The cut edge seems to stretch more than the un-cut edge, so I use the cut edge as the upper part of the leg warmers to fit around the thigh. If you prefer, you can try having the cut edge at the bottom to fit around the ankle.
  5. If you like the finished product, pick up more knee-high socks and repeat this process to build an impressive wardrobe of baby leg warmers. I will be heading back to Target tomorrow, where I intend on purchasing at least five more socks! 🙂


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