Blackberry Grape Smoothie

December 30, 2011 0 By EngineerMommy

After our Christmas party, I realized we had a lot of leftover blackberries and grapes. And I didn’t want them to spoil before we would have the chance to eat them. So I decided to blitz them in our new ninja. Then I realized there isn’t many fruit combinations that don’t taste great in a smoothie. Smoothies are great ways to get fruits into your diet! Here is my recipe for a delicious and healthy blackberry grape smoothie.

Blackberry Grape Smoothie

Blitz all the ingredients in your food processor of blender. Since you don’t want the skins of the grapes to be intact in your final smoothie, it is best to use this recipe in a high-powered blender machine, like the Ninja System. Garnish your glass with a grape, and enjoy!

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