Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
November 6, 2015I recently checked out the local thrift store looking for some candlesticks for a seasonal project. I never found the candlesticks I was looking for, but I did find something I fell in love with- this wooden hexagon-shaped coffee table! Obviously, it wasn’t in fabulous condition originally, but I saw potential. I saw a lot of potential.
Here is what the coffee table looks like now!

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
You won’t believe what it started out looking like. Here’s what it looked like when I brought it home from the

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
The first thing I did was take all the hardware off (both the door handles and door hinges). Then I gave it a good sanding. I just used some sandpaper and some elbow grease!

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
Next, I painted the whole thing with a coat of white semi-gloss paint. I chose semi-gloss because I knew it would be durable and this coffee table will be getting a lot of use!

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
Finally, I wanted to add a bit of dimension so I grabbed some Weathered Gray Wood Stain and applied that only in the crevices and indentation areas. I used an old rag to apply the stain. I let that dry fully for a few days.

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
Then, I put the door back on and set it up in my living room! I love it!

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
It provides so much storage space inside and I love the hexagonal shape!

Thrift Store Coffee Table Makeover
Wanna see other thrifted makeovers?! Check these out!

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Worked out great for you. Don’t think it’s supposed to be coffee table, an end table instead but if it works for you as coffee table then that’s what counts. No loss if it wears out. You made it look much prettier, feels good huh? Always love when I fix something up so it looks much better and nobody can realize how bad it looked before. Fantastic having the interior storage, do we ever have enuf storage in any room?
Hubs brought home two huge plastic boxes he got for me at Family $ so I can get all the empty frames out of my sewing room. Then think other one will contain rest of “stuff” in sewing room. What I really need to do is get a storage garage.
Will be having my right shoulder replaced on Dec. 7th. so my activities will be brought to a complete halt for while. At least when I had knees replaced could still bathe and dress myself, not sure how that’s going to work as hubs is not mr. helpful that way. Will be interesting experience if nothing else.
Well better get myself into sewing room to fill those boxes up. Need to do same in craft room but can’t afford to buy any more of those boxes now. Will have to just close door so I can’t see mess in there. Have to be brutal for while, lol. Have wonderful weekend
Those huge plastic boxes are great for storing stuff. I need to get more of them too so I can store away all of my Halloween decor! Good luck with your upcoming surgery. Hope you get back on your feet quickly! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!