The Benefits of Having Mom Friends

July 3, 2020 30 By EngineerMommy

This is a sponsored post written by me for MomieGo App. All opinions are mine alone.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: having friends that are also fellow moms is priceless. Being able to relate to and converse with others going through the same parenthood victories & struggles is such a blessing. Sometimes finding those other mom friends can be challenging, especially if you’re a bit more introverted. Today I’m excited to discuss the MomieGo App, which is a free resource that moms & dads can download to find other parents in their area. 

All moms have been there: the sleepless nights, the picky eaters, the whining, the sibling fights, etc. Motherhood is an experience like no other and sharing it all with a friend can be an amazing experience. However, just like with friends in other stages of life, it’s important to find like-minded moms with similar interests. Meeting at a bookstore to discuss the latest novel or going for a Saturday morning jog together is a great way to unwind and decompress.

What makes MomieGo unique is it allows you to connect with parents that have similar interests as you. 

It’s so easy to sign up and get started right away. Simply select your interests and the app will find other moms in your area that have similar interests. 

Some categories you can select include exercise, books, wine, yoga, sports, gardening. You can also specify backgrounds, such as Single, LGBTQ, Social Justice, Sober, etc. Pretty awesome, right? Finding new mom friends, as well as playdates for the kids, has never been cooler.

What’s yet another benefit of having mom friends? It’s easier – and more fun – to set up playdates for the kids. By the way, when searching for other like-minded moms on MomieGo, you simply swipe within the app. Gotta admit that’s kinda fun!

Personally, when it comes to friends, I’ve always leaned toward quality over quantity. Rather than having several acquaintances, I’d prefer to have a few really close friends. Whether you’re looking for some new mom friends in your hometown or on vacation, the MomieGo app can help. Just enter your location & see who’s nearby!

Don’t forget to try the easy-to-use MomieGo App today to connect with other moms in your area from the comfort of your home. How do you make new friends? What do you think is the biggest benefit of having mom friends? 


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