5 Healthy Habits to Establish Before the End of Summer

August 27, 2020 18 By EngineerMommy

I partnered with Blue Diamond as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

As the days of summer wind down, now is the perfect time to evaluate whether you’ve gotten the most out of the season. Have you cherished each day to the fullest? With just a few weeks left of summer, I’m sharing some healthy habits to establish now before fall rolls around. From spending plenty of time outdoors to choosing healthy snacks like Blue Diamond Almonds, let’s create some healthy habits together.

1. Spend some time outdoors every day.

Perhaps one of my favorite parts of the warmer months is being able to spend a lot of time in the great outdoors. As the summer days come to an end, make sure you’re getting the most out of whatever outdoor space you have. Whether it’s a balcony or patio or even the local park, make sure to get some sun every day. Getting some sunlight every day is a smart move, because it helps your body produce Vitamin D. However, to practice safe sun exposure, apply a sunscreen with SPF 30+ multiple times per day and avoid the midday sun, when the UV rays are strongest. I’ve been working outside on the patio every day and I love feeling the sun on my skin while I type away on the computer.

2. Choose healthy snacks.

When it comes to snacks, not all are created equal. I recently picked up Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds, Blue Diamond BOLD Salt & Vinegar Almonds and Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds. The flavors are so delicious and I love the portability of almonds!

Did you know that the Smokehouse Almonds are roasted & seasoned for a fun burst of flavor? Just look at them! Mouth-watering!

By the way, Blue Diamond Almonds are certified by the American Heart Association as a heart healthy food. A snack that’s delicious & better for me? Yes, please!

My favorite part of Blue Diamond Almonds are the flavor-packed crunch and the multiple varieties available. Whether you’re working from home, watching your favorite shows on TV, going on a road trip or just enjoying the great outdoors, Blue Diamond Flavored Almonds are the perfect snack to wrap up summer! 

When I head back to the supermarket, I’m going to try one of the other varieties available: Wasabi & Soy Sauce Almonds, Habenero BBQ Almonds, Sweet Thai Chili Almonds or Sriracha Almonds. Make sure you look for these & other flavors of Blue Diamond Almonds on your next trip to Walmart.

By the way, there’s an Ibotta offer that’s available just for a limited time. Use this link to get $2 back when you purchase Blue Diamond Almonds for your family at Walmart. Simply search for Blue Diamond on the Ibotta app.

3. Stay well-hydrated.

Staying hydrated during these hot summer days is essential, especially when working out. When the body is properly hydrated, muscles work better and skin appears more radiant. Most sports water bottles contain around 20 to 28 ounces of liquid so a good rule of thumb is to aim for about 3 or 4 full bottles per day. To flavor your water, consider adding a bit of cucumber, mint or lemon for a calorie-free flavor boost. 

4. Discover a new passion.

During the summer, many of us find a little more free time during the week. Use this extra time to your advantage – take up a new hobby or passion. Have you been wanting to make that DIY project you saved to Pinterest? Have you always wanted to go biking around the neighborhood? The summer is a great time to explore your passions and pursue your interests. Once winter rolls around, you can fall back on some of these newfound passions to power yourself through the doldrums of the colder months.

5. Exercise outdoors.

During the summer, it’s not uncommon to exercise more in the great outdoors. For example, you might go for a swim at the beach or a hike at the park with friends. If you haven’t already done so, now is a great time to establish the healthy habit of regularly exercising while it’s still warm outside. Once the temps eventually drop and fall rolls around, you’ll already be in a healthy routine of working out regularly. 

Pick up Blue Diamond Almonds at Walmart and take advantage of the Ibotta offer on this delicious superfood today. Have you gotten the most out of your summer? 

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