5 Smart Money Moves to Make This Year

June 19, 2019 30 By EngineerMommy

This is a sponsored post written by me for DiversyFund. All opinions are mine alone.

For years, I have been fascinated by the topics of money management and wealth building. Back in college, I remember going to the library on the weekends and reading as many books as I can on investing and finance. These topics have always been a passion of mine! Today I’ll be sharing some smart money moves you can make today for a more financially secure tomorrow.

1. Create a financial snapshot.

Regardless of your current financial situation, it’s a good idea to take inventory of all your current accounts. Include bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts, savings accounts, mortgages, vehicle loans, student loans, and credit cards. While you’re at it, calculate your net worth and repeat this process every few months. It will help to pinpoint your current financial position and help you track trends over time. Also, it’s a good idea to keep a log of the usernames & passwords for all your online accounts in one spot for easy reference. 

2. Invest your money wisely.

When it comes to investments, making the right choice is key. We’ve all heard of real estate, which has been a wealth builder for the 1% for centuries. When looking to grow their money, the wealthy often put their money into commercial real estate in particular. Unfortunately, this type of investment has only been available to the wealthy, typically requiring minimum buy-ins in the six figures. However, DiversyFund recently received a special qualification from the SEC, allowing the everyday American to invest in their Growth REIT. It is a fund that allows anyone to invest in exclusive commercial real estate with as little as $500 – sign up with this link here!

The DiversyFund Growth REIT features apartment complexes that are prime for improvement.

Here’s a shocking statistic I recently discovered. According to a joint study from Merrill Lynch and Age Wave, the average single woman’s net worth is three times smaller than the average single man’s net worth. Furthermore, the same study found that 41% of women wish they had invested more. As a female engineer that is passionate about empowering women, these stats simply break my heart. However, DiversyFund is committed to bridging this wealth gap and that’s something I’m excited about!

Why are women not investing more? Maybe they are overwhelmed by the process or maybe they assume they need a large starting capital? Thanks to DiversyFund, it’s no longer necessary to have hundreds of thousands of dollars on hand to profit from commercial real estate investments. As someone that personally invests my own family’s assets, I am excited about the possibility of experiencing the power of their REIT for myself!

So what exactly are you getting with a share of their Growth REIT? Well, you are buying into fully-vetted, professionally-managed, multi-family real estate without having to be a landlord or knowing too much about real estate.


Real estate investments are a good hedge against the volatility of the stock market, because it is not-correlated.

Here are some specific features of DiversyFund that I really appreciate:

  • They get rid of the middlemen. At DiversyFund, you partner directly with the, who is committed to your success.
  • There are absolutely no platform or management fees.
  • Your wealth is accelerated thanks to the reinvestment of cash flow from multi-family properties.
  • You can invest with only $500 when you use this link!

To keep up with the latest news & offers from the company, check them out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

3. Set up an automatic savings account.

Many people want a savings account, but they forget to transfer money into the savings account on a regular basis. This is actually a very common problem and there’s an easy solution. Simply set up an automatic savings account that transfers a set amount of money from your checking account to your savings account at a frequency you designate. You only need to set this up once and it runs in perpetuity.

4. Monitor your credit report.

Did you know that many institutions and employers check your credit report before deciding to do business with you? You should know your credit score and work on improving it. Some general guidelines to improve your credit score include paying bills on time, keeping debt balances low, not applying for new credit cards and not closing old credit cards. In fact, everyone is entitled to one free credit report per year. Check yours for fraudulent activity and track your credit score over time.

5. Set a budget.

Whether your income each month is $2K or $20K, setting and following a budget is a smart move. Don’t underestimate the power of all those cappuccinos – those $5 drinks add up quickly. A monthly budget will help you quantify your expenses – big and small. Being able to track money coming in and going out each month will help you assess whether you’re on track to meet your long-term financial goals.

Don’t forget to learn more about DiversyFund by clicking here. I hope these tips have inspired you to manage your money intelligently in 2019. Which of these tips do you follow? Did I miss any other important tips?


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