7 Tips to Keep your Baby Happy
January 16, 2018This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Member’s Mark for PayPerPost. All opinions are 100% mine.
Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in a couple’s life, but that excitement can quickly turn to self-doubt as all the questions arise. Which formula should I choose? How much sleep does baby need? Will I ever master the journey of parenthood? As a mom of two, I can tell you that it’s completely normal to have these (somewhat overwhelming) questions at first. However, rest assured that things do get easier & clearer over time. When it comes to keeping baby happy, here are my best tips that are both easy to implement and make a big difference.
1. Ensure good sleep!
One of baby’s primary needs for the first year is adequate sleep. We implemented plenty of tips & tricks to encourage our babies to sleep well and sleep often. One tip that worked well for us is the swaddle. The tight embrace provided a sense of comfort that is reminiscent of the mother’s womb. We also used white noise in the background. This tip helped to drown out everyday noise in the house, like a loud older sister or a ringing doorbell.
2. Focus on baby’s primary needs!
Our pediatrician once told us that babies cry from only a few possible reasons. By staying attuned to these basic needs, you can make sure baby remains content, while keeping meltdowns at bay. Is baby’s diaper changed? Check! Did baby get her nap? Check! Is baby well-fed? Check!
When it comes to feeding baby, I did both breastfeeding and supplementing. At the end of the day, all that matters is that baby is well-fed. When it came to picking the right formula, our preferred choice was Member’s Mark Advantage Infant Formula from Sam’s Club.

How to keep your baby happy
We loved Member’s Mark Advantage Infant Formula because it is a smart nutrition solution and is totally affordable. In fact, the formulation provides complete nutrition for baby’s first year (just like Enfamil and Similac), while saving families $450 a year! With all the expenses that come with parenthood (hello diapers!), we were thrilled to find a formula that was easy on the wallet.

How to keep your baby happy
The 48oz Tub of Member’s Mark Infant Formula from Sam’s Club will make around 87 bottles for less than $25! Talk about some serious savings!

How to keep your baby happy
Look for Member’s Mark Infant Formula brands at Sam’s Club and save 50% over Enfamil and Similac every day. By the way, there are different varieties available for different needs: MM Infant, MM Advantage, MM Sensitivity, MM Gentle!

How to keep your baby happy
3. Keep a flexible schedule!
Babies generally thrive on a predictable routine, so it is wise to create a set of expectations for baby every day. For example, after feeding, schedule in some play time. After playing, set baby down for a nap. Repeat throughout the day. If you have plans or appointments outside of the house, keep in mind that disrupting baby’s schedule can cause some stress for your little one. Keep your schedule flexible so you can take care of those errands when baby is both well-fed and well-rested.
4. Adjust your expectations!
One of my most important tips to keep in mind is to keep your expectations in check. Understand that babies will sometimes cry and that is okay. Having a baby changes everything for a new mom and your world will revolve around this little human’s needs for the foreseeable future. Try to slow down and appreciate all those precious moments. Take plenty of pictures and relish parenthood fully (the good, the bad and the ugly).
5. Look out for meltdowns!
Did you know that babies will often display signs of an impending meltdown? If baby is overwhelmed by too much sensory stimulation, he may get fussy, rub his eyes or avoid eye contact. If baby is getting hungry, she may start moving her mouth in a characteristic manner. If baby is displaying signs of hunger, offer a snack right away. If baby is looking tired, begin to lower the lights to encourage a wind-down period. By keeping an eye out for these signs and acting quickly, you can stop meltdowns before they happen.
6. Cuddle baby!
The truth is that babies don’t need all that much! All those bright-colored toys are fun and engaging and fine in moderation. However, what babies really crave is attention from their parents. Positive touch can calm down a baby and provide a sense of comfort in a scary, unpredictable infant world. In fact, infant massage is something that has been shown to be very reassuring for babies. I always enjoyed cuddle time with the kids – it still is one of my fondest memories of those first few months at home!
7. Get some fresh air!
I can’t remember how many times getting out of the house has been a lifesaver for my fussy baby and this over-stressed mama. There’s something about being in the great outdoors and being strolled around the park that is simply soothing for little ones. And let’s face it: fresh air is good not just for baby, but also for parents.
What is your best tip for keeping baby happy? Do you also find that fresh air makes a big difference in soothing little ones? Have you ever used Member’s Mark Infant Formula from Sam’s Club?

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Good sleep is absolutely key to keep your baby happy. Sleep helps them grow, helps them stay healthy, and definitely helps keep the crankiness at bay.
A happy baby makes for a happy life! I remember when my kids were younger, they had a lot of complications with formula. This would have been a great product for them
Keeping little ones content can be tough. With my kids, I learned that balance is key and tried to keep things consistent yet exciting for them.
This is a great post! I always love to read what others do in their lives to help their children and I feel your routines are very beneficial. I think I could get outside more for sure!
happy baby = happy mom
i think this product is best for babies
Babies definitely require a lot of attention. When my kids were babies, it was some of the hardest times for me. I pumped for many months and needed to supplement with formula. This sounds like a great formula for babies.
These are excellent tips. No momma can be fully prepared for those meltdowns, I’m afraid. LOL
Even though my girls aren’t babies, these are still great tips for older kids as well!
Good sleep is so important. Babies need their rest and moms can get some things done during that time they doze off during the day, it’s a win win!
My kids used to love it when I took them outside for fresh air. Your tips are so helpful and they really are all important to keep babies happy.
I don’t have a child yet but I imagine some moments can be rough. These are some great tips.
These are great tips! Swaddling helps my grandson so much. We use the sleep sack swaddles because he seems to prefer those over swaddle type blankets. A bedtime routine of the same items each night (a couple songs, a story, etc) all seem to help him get settled too.