My Wonder Woman

May 2, 2017 20 By EngineerMommy

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Dr Pepper®. The opinions and text are all mine.

When I think about all the blessings in my life, one of the first people to come to mind is my mother. Not only has she devoted her whole life to her family, but she continues to be a role model for me in so many different ways. My mother is indeed my #WonderWoman. Did you know that the Wonder Woman movie will be in theaters on June 2nd? Dr Pepper wants you to appreciate the Wonder Woman in your life and has asked me to share my story with you.

During a recent trip to Walmart (I’m there at least once a week to pick up household essentials), I found Wonder Woman-themed Dr Pepper cans. This 12-pack is a perfect treat and the 12 oz cans are perfect for sharing this unique soda with others. Check out Wonder Woman on the cans! Aren’t the images on the cans so inspiring?

Being a female engineer myself, I love the strength & power of Wonder Woman! After all, women are just as capable as men! The partnership between Dr Pepper (a classic soda) and Wonder Woman (a classic heroine) makes this soda choice a no-brainer! Look for Wonder Woman themed Dr Pepper products at your local Walmart, which became available April 1. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for a $5 promotion available towards a Fandango Movie Ticket (details on the packaging).

Why is my mom my Wonder Woman? I could probably write a whole novel on the subject, but let’s start with my childhood. I have so many fond memories of how my mom went above and beyond to make every day super special for me. Whether it was taking me on play dates at the zoo or setting up amazing vacations for the whole family, my mom always put her family’s needs above her own. When I was born, she left a lucrative career so she could stay at home and spend as much time as possible with me. I absolutely loved spending time with her every day right after school. I remember so clearly doing my homework at the dining room table, while she prepared snacks and meals in the kitchen. We talked about our days and shared funny stories.

As I got older and more independent, she still remained available and completely selfless. When I was attending college in the city, I used to have classes that ended at 9pm. Rather than let me take the train alone for 45 minutes, she would come and hang out in a nearby coffee shop every single night! So when class let out, I was able to meet her by the coffee shop and we took the train together. It was so reassuring having her companionship on all those late-night train rides. It showed me just how much she cared about my safety!

After getting married and having kids, my needs changed again. She has absolutely loved her new role of grandmother. She continues to bring the same unrelenting dedication and adoration to my kids that she brought to me. For me, there is really nothing more special than watching my kids play with my mom and witnessing their beautiful interactions together.

In recent years, she has unfortunately had to deal with some serious health issues. Again, she inspires me on a profound level. She faced these medical challenges with calmness, optimism and a strong faith that things will get better. I hope that one day I can handle life’s challenges with as much strength as she has displayed in recent years. We have been close throughout my childhood & adolescence. Now, as an adult, I still turn to my mother for advice and mentorship. We continue to enjoy each other’s company and chat about life’s wild adventures together. We both absolutely enjoy the unique, delicious flavor of Dr Pepper and the Wonder Woman partnership makes this a perfect match!

I want you to think about all the women in your life. Select the one that is your Wonder Woman! Don’t forget to pick up Wonder Woman-themed Dr Pepper products from Walmart and check out the movie in theaters on June 2nd.

Now, tell me: who is your #WonderWoman? What makes her special to you? How do you honor her?


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