7 Bedtime Essentials for Great Sleep

July 26, 2017 8 By EngineerMommy

This post is sponsored. All opinions are mine alone.

As a mom of two young kids, sleep is a fickle thing. Sometimes I don’t accrue enough Zzzz’s. Sometimes my sleep gets interrupted too many times. Sometimes I wake up at the crack of dawn. However, I’m always trying to improve my sleep game. Keep reading to see my top 7 bedtime essentials for a great night’s sleep.

7 Bedtime Essentials for Great Sleep


1. A great book!
When it comes to good sleep, following some basic guidelines is important. Is your bedroom the right temperature? Are you avoiding electronics right before bedtime? Get a book that will teach you some of the basic practices required to achieve great sleep.

2. A leg rest pillow!
When it comes to getting comfortable at night, a fabulous elevating leg rest pillow can go a long way in making you feel restful at night. Tired legs deserve relaxation and these pillows are shaped like a wedge to be placed beneath the legs. By boosting circulation of blood in the legs, these pillows can really help people who tend to spend a lot of time on their feet during the day. Check out the different models of these pillows and be sure to add one to your bed tonight.

3. A sleep mask!
If bright lights disrupt your sleep at night, get a sleep mask. They’re available in a myriad of different colors and designs. This is a particularly useful item if your partner likes some lights on in the bedroom, but you prefer complete darkness.

4. Lavender essential oil!
When it comes to essential oils, none is more relaxing than lavender oil. You can add a few drops of it to a spray bottle with some water- simply spray this on your bedding for a relaxing scent. You can also add a few drops to your laundry for an easy scent boost.

5. Sunset & sunrise clock!
Get your circadian rhythm in check with this cool alarm clock with built-in light. This gadget will simulate a sunset and a sunrise at the designated times to help your body adjust to nature’s light levels.

6. Ear plugs!
Sleep in complete silence and peace with a great set of ear plugs. My husband has the habit of sometimes watching TV a little loudly in the bedroom when I’m trying to sleep. I deal with this issue by simply keeping a stash of ear plugs by my bed. It’s a simple solution to a common problem.

7. Mattress topper!
You can easily revitalize an old mattress with a great mattress topper. You can find models in various sizes, firmness levels and price points. Get the best one you can find for your budget and enjoy a peaceful snooze tonight.

How do you get good sleep at night? What is your best tip for a great snooze?

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