3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

May 29, 2017 8 By EngineerMommy

This post is sponsored by Thinkster Math. All opinions are mine alone.

I cannot believe that Sophia will be graduating Kindergarten this year. The school year has really flown by. As an engineer myself, I am proud to say that one of my daughter’s favorite subjects in school is mathematics. At this point, she is working on building a strong fundamental knowledge base, upon which she can develop more advanced skills. In order to keep honing her math skills, I have found some easy ways to incorporate math into our everyday routine.

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

1. Learn math at the store!
One of the easiest ways to incorporate mathematical skills into our daily routine is by looking for opportunities at every occasion. Heading to the grocery store? Discuss addition in calculating the total bill. Discuss subtraction in determining how much change you should get back from the cashier. This is what we do. Obviously, since my little one is just 6 years old, I am not asking her to add $3.71 + $7.99 in her head while walking down the aisle. I will round to the nearest dollar and ask her to add 4 + 8 in her head. She likes this challenge and is typically able to easily find the answer.

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

2. Bring math to the kitchen!
We are constantly looking for ways to incorporate math into our home adventures, too. My daughters love to help me cook and bake in the kitchen. If we’re measuring ingredients, I take the time to demonstrate that 1/2 cup is a greater amount than 1/3 cup. If we’re combining different food colors, I take the time to demonstrate the secondary colors that result from mixing primary colors – and the fact that adding extra drops of one color will result in a different final shade. It’s actually fairly easy to bring math to the kitchen as long as you are creative and keep an open mind.

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3. Try the Thinkster app!
Technology can make learning both fun & educational. Thinkster Math is an iPad app designed for kids in grades K-8. With individualized math tutoring programs, digital worksheets, video tutorials and more, learning math has never been easier – or more fun! You can see all the worksheets available on the app dashboard. Plus, it also includes the amount of time that should be allotted to each worksheet.

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

Wondering what sets Thinkster Math apart from the competition? This tablet-based math learning program combines a top-notch curriculum with a personalized plan from real teachers & innovative artificial intelligence. The worksheets are individually tailored to each child’s needs and goals.
3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

Once the app is downloaded, the first step is to take the Skills Assessment. This short quiz identifies the child’s strengths & weaknesses. There are even sporadic tests that reinforce conceptual knowledge. If you want to keep updated on progress, check out the Progress Matrix, which is available on the iPad app. Plus, there are even plenty of fun, engaging games, in which your child can earn points (and bragging rights on the Leaderboard) that can be redeemed for gift cards. On each problem page, the child can use the blank space as a whiteboard to try to solve the problem. This lets the parent & coach know how the student arrived at the answer.
3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

Each child will be assigned a specific coach, who will discuss the specific goals & needs of the child. There will be 1-on-1 weekly sessions with your child and you can always contact your coach via email or text with a specific question or concern. This is one of the unique aspects of this math app that truly sets it apart from the competition.
3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

3 Easy Ways to Make Math Fun

If you’d like to try Thinkster Math, check out this fabulous promotion going on through the summer. Get 10% off first two months of Thinkster Math with promo code SUMMERSAVE10. This promo is valid through 08/31/17. Curious to give the app a test drive? Thinkster Math offers a 7-day free trial with a 15-day money back guarantee, so there’s nothing to lose. Try it today!

Find out how Thinkster Math can help make learning math fun & easy. Now, tell me: How do you encourage your kids to learn math? Do you have a child in grades K-8?

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