Super Delicious & Colorful Summer Salad Recipe

June 11, 2015 4 By EngineerMommy

When the temperatures heat up, I like to avoid turning on the oven (or even the stove). They seem to heat up my whole kitchen (and then the whole house), no matter how low the temperature or how short the duration! So when the temperatures climb into the super hot range, I tend to make salads. So needless to say, I eat a lot of salads in the Summer. This recipe that I’m about to share with you now is one of my favorite ones!

Surprisingly enough, it’s made mostly of ingredients that I always have around. As such, it originally came about because I wanted to use a bunch of ingredients I had in my pantry and fridge to make a salad. I had no idea originally how tasty this recipe would be!

Also, it’s super colorful, which means that it’s composed of all kinds of veggies that are healthy and good for you. And it also means that it will appeal to kids. My 4-year-old loves to pick out the tomatoes and cucumbers from my salad, and I happily let her! 🙂

Oh, also, you may notice the picture below looks familiar! It’s the same picture I used yesterday as my example image on how to properly edit photos for online publishing!

So let’s get to the recipe now, shall we?

Super Delicious & Colorful Summer Salad Recipe

Summer Salad Recipe

Summer Salad Recipe

2 cups spring mix lettuce
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
1 cup cucumbers, chopped
1 cup multi-colored mini peppers, sliced
1/2 cup sweet bread & butter pickles, sliced
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
2 tbsp. Italian salad dressing

1. Simple combine all the ingredients together in a bowl. Toss with the dressing.
2. Season with salt and pepper.

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