My 5 Diaper Bag Essentials w/ #ClutchStyle
November 2, 2015Before I had kids, I used to leave the house with just my purse in tow. I carried my phone, wallets, keys, some lipstick and not much else! Pre-kids, I never realized how many things I would need to have with me when taking the kids out of the house! Nowadays, when I leave the house, I’m always carrying a diaper bag with me- and it’s full of items that are essentials! From an activity set to keep the little ones busy to Huggies Clutch n’ Clean wipes to clean up kid-sized messes, here are my 5 must-have items for the diaper bag!
My 5 Diaper Bag Essentials
1. Snacks and Drinks: I cannot take the kids to the store (or even for a walk around the neighborhood) without packing some snacks and drinks with me! I always have their bottles & a few snack cups with me!
2. Change of Clothes: Whether it’s a potty training accident or a messy meal that got all over their outfits, I always like to have a fresh set of clothes with me. I never know when I will need to change one of their outfits!
3. Activity Set: Whether we find ourselves waiting at the doctor’s office or sitting at a restaurant waiting for lunch, I always like to have some art supplies with me so I can give them a quick activity to keep them busy. I like to have a set of crayons and a small coloring book in my diaper bag.
4. My Phone: My phone comes everywhere I go- and for good reason! Whether I want to capture a cute moment of the kids at the park with my phone’s camera or research something on Google, I always keep my phone with me, especially when I leave the house with the kids!
5. Wipes: My oldest has been out of diapers for a while now, but I still love using baby wipes to clean up her hands after a messy meal. Or after a day at the park, a set of wipes is valuable for cleaning everyone’s hands. I’m loving Huggies Natural Care Wipes, since they are hypoallergenic and 99% water based. They also offer a gentle & soft clean, which is important when we’re talking about the kids! And at Sam’s Club, I can get 864 wipes per pack. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know how much I love a good deal. I’ve recently joined Sam’s Club and love being able to get all of our household essentials in one store at such a great value. Check out some of the benefits of joining Sam’s Club!
I love that the pack of Huggies Natural Care wipes from Sam’s Club comes with the exclusive clutch to store wipes while on-the-go! It’s a fabulously stylish way to carry wipes! How cute is this?
Since I’m always carrying wipes with me anyway, I’m so happy I found this gorgeous clutch to store my wipes in style! Now, when I have to take a wipe out at the mall or park, I can be proud to whip out this stylish clutch!
Wanna see a really cool “What’s your Clutch Style?” video? Check this out!
Now, tell me in the comments below: What are your must-have items for the diaper bag?

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Love these clutches. They’re adorable and so handy. I’ve added them to every parent gift I’ve given for quite some time. They’re such a handy way to keep wipes with you at all times. They’re trendy and cute so they don’t look out of place no matter where you take them!
Yes I’m totally proud to take these wipes out when I’m outside with the kids.
Truly, there are lots of things that need to be present in a mom’s bag rather than in a single woman without kids. Being a mom is like being a superhero in a child’s eyes. You have to bring all the necessities to take care of them when you’re out of the hosue.
Yes it’s amazing how many things become necessary to have on hand.
I love these kinds of posts, I should post what’s in my diaper bag. I usually keep most of those things as well, plus some girly necessities like concealer. Oh the concealer…
Julie |
I was the same way. My bags tripled in size after having kids. I was always like, “But what if…?” and just kept adding things. One thing was definitely consistent – wipes! Cleaning up all those “little” big messes was a breeze when Huggies Wipes were around!
Yes that’s me! “What if they need this?” And “What if they need that?”
I didn’t carry a diaper bag around I kept it in the car and then I had wipes and an extra diaper or two in my purse at all times. Bottles fit neatly on the side and pacifier was around my neck like a necklace lol I could not do the two bags at all. Great list of what to keep in them though. I now these days bags are much more stylish
This is a great list of diaper bag essentials to have!! I don’t have kids but I do carry wipes with me when we travel. They are perfect for cleaning up messes and freshening up.
love those clutches, they are good looking and useful. You can give it as a gift for mommies with new born babies, toddlers or those who are throwing a baby shower.
Yes I love it as an easy gift idea.
I wish I could tell you what my must-have’s would be for my diaper bag but I’ve never had to use one. I asked my more knowledgable mum and she said “Nappies! Derrrr”. She’s a wise woman that one….
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Weren’t those the days when you could leave the house with only a small purse? Haha. I am in love with the Huggies clutch! It makes everything so much more convienent. I love being able to grab this stylish clutch out of the diaper bag.
Haha I know it seems those days are long gone. Now I leave the house with so much stuff sometimes it looks like I’m packing for vacation lol. At least these wipes are a really fun, stylish addition!
Great ideas! I need to be a bit better about keeping some more fun things in my bag for my 2 year old.
It always helps when we find ourselves outside and I need something quick to entertain the kids!