DIY Halloween Snowglobe

October 24, 2015 2 By EngineerMommy

I can’t believe Halloween is only about a week away! I have a super cute idea for you all today- a DIY Halloween snowglobe! Well, this one doesn’t actually have snow inside and it’s not a globe either! But it sure is fun and festive for Halloween! I hope you all like it!

Here, check it out!

DIY Halloween Snowglobe

1 mason jar
purple glitter
hot glue
spooky Halloween figurines & bare tree

1. I started out with a plain, empty glass jar from the kitchen! First, I cleaned it well and then spray painted the lid black! Here are the figurines that I picked up from the dollar store, along with a plain black tree.

DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

2. Using hot glue, I attached the tree & figurines to the inside of the lid.
DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

3. Next, I added the glitter and some water to the jar. Then, I screwed the lid on to the jar.
DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

That’s it! Done! How easy was this?!
DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

DIY Halloween Mason Jar Snowglobe

I showed the finished product on Instagram a few weeks ago (yes, this project has been waiting to go up on the blog for some time now!)

Looking for more fun Halloween ideas? Check these out!

15 Genius Halloween Decor Hacks

15 Genius Halloween Decor Hacks

DIY Halloween Wreath

DIY Halloween Wreath

Easy Halloween Crafts: Black Feather Tree

Easy Halloween Crafts: Black Feather Tree


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