Sharpie Marker Knobs
July 6, 2014This tutorial for embellishing plain white drawer knobs only needs one implement: a permanent Sharpie marker. It is really simple and doesn’t require any fancy technique. Just drawing on plain white drawer knobs.
I’ve tried it and I can tell you it works! It looks great and holds up well. Ours have been in use on the changing table in the nursery for over a month now, and it shows no signs of wear. And those drawers get a lot of use!
Let get to the steps now, shall we?
Sharpie Marker Knobs
- Sharpie marker (any color you prefer)
- Draw radial lines on the knob, starting at the center and continuing on to the outer circumference. Fill in any gaps by making more small lines in the same direction as the others.
- Let the knobs dry overnight.
- Place some aluminum foil on a baking dish and place the knobs, colored side up, on the foil. Place in a cold oven. Set the temperature of the oven to 400 degrees F and let the oven heat up. Once the oven reaches the set temperature, set the timer for 30 minutes. Once 30 minutes are over, shut off the oven and let the knobs cool off inside. Once cool, take the knobs out of the oven.
- Let them sit overnight again. Install the knobs the next morning.
A few remarks:
- After the heating in the oven, the color of the marker changed. The color went from a vibrant, bright pink to a muted, lighter pink. Still a lovely color. Just different. I liked the new color enough not to re-do the whole knob, but I did re-color the base of the knobs. Just be aware that there may be a color change upon baking.
- Before baking, the knobs had a tacky feeling to them – ever so slightly sticky. After baking, that stickiness went away completely. Make sure to bake your knobs so they hold up better.
- I drew a simple radial design – just straight lines from the center of the knobs outward to the circumference. Once the Sharpie lines blended together, it created a beautiful flowery design. Another interesting design possibility is using different colors of Sharpie marker and let completely different colors blend together. That would create a gorgeous multi-colored look!

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[…] this fun, functional and inexpensive tutorial on how to make sharpie knobs in 3 easy steps from Engineer Mommy. I just love this project. It only takes inexpensive ceramic or porcelain knobs and sharpies in […]
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