Naturally Remove Stains
August 22, 2014Have a stubborn stain to remove from a favorite article of clothing? Here are a few ways to naturally try to remove the stain. If the first attempt doesn’t work to successfully lift the stain, try the second attempt, and so on.
The best part about using these natural techniques to remove stains is that
- these methods use non-toxic, environmentally friendly ingredients
- you probably already have these ingredients in your house
Stain Removal Naturally
First attempt: Try soaking the soiled clothing in non-toxic laundry liquid for 30 minutes.
Second attempt: Make a paste out of baking soda and water and apply it to clothes. Let it sit for at least a few hours and then wash as usual.
Third attempt: Make a paste out of baking soda and lemon juice and apply it to the stain. The lemon juice acts a lightening ingredient. Let it sit for at least an hour before washing.
Fourth attempt: Diluted hydrogen peroxide removes tough stains from fabric. It can even get blood out of white clothing, but it has to be diluted or else it could damage the fabric.
Good luck with the stain removal. Have any stain removal secrets of your own? Share them in the Comments below!

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