Easy Almond Butter Cookies {Recipe}
November 21, 2014 4 By EngineerMommyThis simple recipe for delicious Almond Butter Cookies requires very little prep time and very little cooking time, yet still produces a fabulously yummy cookie! These Almond Butter Cookies are soft and creamy inside, but slightly crispy and crumbly at the edges. How yummy do these look?!
For the full recipe, head on over to Ducks ‘n a Row, where I’m guest-posting today!
Click here for the full recipe.

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CategoryRecipes & Food
Jennifer, I love this recipe!! Thanks so much for guest posting for me on Ducks ‘n a Row. My readers are “eating this up!” LOL
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂
Sinea, thanks so much! My kids are “eating these up” too! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow Jennifer, those look super tasty. Easy to follow recipe (from the Duck’s link) – Thanks for posting and have a great thanksgiving.
Yes, they are quite delicious. Thanks for stopping by Carlos!