DIY felt lollipops

DIY felt lollipops

May 4, 2014 4 By EngineerMommy

My 3 year old loves to play in her little kitchen. She loves to pretend to bake potatoes and fry bacon. She loves to cook for Mommy and for her baby sister. I figured it was time for some more felt food. I could expand her food collection and stretch my crafting muscles at the same time. Win-win, right?

My last attempt at felt food-making went really well with these felt breakfast foods (bacon, eggs, and pancakes). Over the next few days, I will be showing you how to make all kinds of felt desserts (cupcakes, cookies, even cannolis). Today, though, we will be making felt lollipops. It’s really simple, I promise!

Felt lollipops: felt play food


DIY Felt lollipop supplies

DIY Felt lollipop supplies

  • Felt in various colors
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue & glue gun
  • White pipe cleaners

Tutorial Steps:

  • Cut out pairs of small circles and hearts. Make sure the two copies of each match in size and shape.
  • Felt lollipop: cut out shapes

    Felt lollipop: cut out shapes

  • Take each white pipe cleaner and form a tight coil with half of the length. Leave the other half straight.
  • DIY Felt lollipop: coil half of pipe cleaner

    DIY Felt lollipop: coil half of pipe cleaner

  • Place the coiled pipe cleaner on one of the felt shapes. Cover with the other matching shape. Adhere with hot glue.
  • Felt lollipop: combine matching shapes

    Felt lollipop: combine matching shapes

  • Sew along the circumference of the felt shape. You can use thread that matches the felt or one that complements it.
  • Felt lollipop: sew along circumference

    Felt lollipop: sew along circumference

*TIP: You can also use lollipop sticks in place of the pipe cleaners if your little one is likely to bend the pipe cleaners. With the lollipop sticks, this will look even more realistic and will be more durable.

DIY felt lollipops: toddler play food

DIY felt lollipops: toddler play food

Let your little one enjoy these lovely lollipops!


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