Age-appropriate chores for kids
September 7, 2014Do you want to give your kids chores but are not sure which chores are age-appropriate for them? In this post, I will outline some ideas on what tasks you could give to your kid and reasonably expect him/her to be able to complete it. From a two year old to an eleven year old, all kids will be covered in this list.
Even though chores may have somewhat of a negative stigma, children actually can learn to love to do chores. If chores come with an incentive, chores can be a fun activity each day. If you have a toddler/preschooler, completing daily chores may result in a sticker on their sticker chart, a new temporary tattoo, or even a special treat before bedtime. If you have a pre-teen, completing chores everyday could result in a special new game or toy.
So let’s get to the list now, shall we?
Chore charts for kids
Two to three year olds:
- Pick up toys
- Help make beds
- Help feed pets
- Dust lower shelves and furniture legs
- Place spoons, napkins, etc on the table
- Carry dirty clothes to laundry hamper
- Sweep floors with lightweight broom / mop
Four to five year olds:
- Make beds
- Set the table
- Dust table tops
- Unload and put away groceries
Six to eight year olds:
- Keep bedrooms / playrooms near
- Water plants
- Make beds
- Sort laundry
- Put clothing away
- Fold clothes
- Help wash car
Nine to ten year olds:
- Change sheets
- Clean bathtub / sinks
- Help cook meals
- Prepare snacks
- Wash dishes
- Load dishwasher
- Vacuum
- Sweep floors with broom / dust pan
Eleven and older:
- Plan and cook meals
- Do own laundry using washing machine
- Wash windows
- Polish furniture
- Wash floors

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