Dollar store glass stone bathmat
March 10, 2013I love the dollar store. I always find a ton of things to get for my craft projects there. And I always seem to walk out spending over $20- even when I walk in to the store not needing anything. Oops!
Anyway, this idea is so simple and beautiful and makes such a pretty statement, you really have to try it. Start out with some thick craft foam and cover it with dollar store glass flat stones. The final product shines and glistens and looks like it cost a lot more than it actually did. Perfect!
Dollar store glass stone bathmat
- thick craft foam, gray
- bag of flat glass stones
- hot glue
- Simply adhere the stones to the foam in a pretty, systematic pattern using the hot glue.
- Let it dry overnight before using it. Place it in the bathroom where you step out of the shower or bath.

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