Use a cutlery tray to organize a desk drawer: Reuse & Repurpose
October 12, 2012I love reusing and repurposing stuff. I had picked up a dollar store cutlery tray a while back. You know, the kind with the different compartments for the forks, spoons, knives, etc. Well, anyway, I never wound up using it in our kitchen. I found a great use for it in our office. Our top drawer of our desk was a mess! A real mess! Stamps, pens, stapers, tape, erasers, clips, and so on. All strewn across the drawer.
I knew I had to find a better way to organize that drawer and I figured I would try using that cutlery tray in there. What a great idea! It is now organized perfectly and EVERY SINGLE THING in there has a specific place that it belongs. I know exactly where everything is and I know exactly where to put things back. Huge success!

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Oh wow – I never thought of this!!! I am definitely going to use this idea. My desk drawer is a mess and it’s so hard to find anything. Thanks for the tip!