Felt board ideas & inspiration- DIY
June 13, 2012Sorry for being quiet recently. We went on a little family vacation last week to Valley Forge, PA. We had a great time at the zoo, mall, park, etc. Anyway, now that I’m back in business, let’s look at a cool crafty DIY idea you can make with your kid. Even better, these felt boards can entertain the little one long after the project is completed.
You can customize the colors and shapes and theme of your board to match your taste. Also you could simply hang it up in your child’s room as decor or use it as an active educational tool.
Felt board ideas & inspiration- DIY
- This is a great way to start a basic felt board to teach letters or numbers.- Martha stewart
- This is another great felt board to teach about the different animals.- Crayonfreckles
- This beautiful felt board can be used to teach little one all about the weather.- The frugal girls
- This felt board comes with specific directions to affix the board to the wall.- BHG

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