Children’s library book display shelves: book gallery wall
April 23, 2012We love us some IKEA. We were there last weekend, and had a blast looking at all the kitchens in the showroom. Even though we recently re-did our whole kitchen (and I love it still), we couldn’t help but fantasize about how we would decorate our next house (and our next kitchen).
Anyway, back to our IKEA trip. We went there looking for the RIBBA picture ledge to use as display shelving for our daughter’s children’s book library. We picked up two 45″ shelves and they were easy to install. Three screws in each shelf. Although the screws weren’t included with the shelf, we were able to pick up the correct diameter and length screws from the local hardware store.
Some of the screws hit studs, some didn’t. For the screws that didn’t hit studs, we used drywall anchors to make sure the shelf was as stable and secure as possible. The same day that we installed the shelf, our daughter used the shelf to cruise along the wall. So it’s so important that the shelf is installed as securely as possible!
I love the way all the books are displayed. You can see the front of the books, which makes for some easy kid-friendly artwork. And the bright colors are perfect for a child’s playroom. The display of books reminds me a museum gallery wall. I absolutely love it. Here are some pictures.
Check out these views from the side.

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