Lamp Shade Update with Washi Tape

June 5, 2015 0 By EngineerMommy

This is a quick post to show how easy it is to update a lamp shade with washi tape. Sophia’s room is mostly pink & purple – her choice of colors, of course! 🙂 And the last time I was at Dollar Tree (which was like yesterday lol), I picked up this roll of fabric washi tape! I had no idea they sold these at the dollar store. I love washi tape (see this post for ideas on how to organize washi tape) and the roll I picked up was purple with white polka dots! Perfect for Sophia’s room!

So I was looking at the places in her room to incorporate the tape, and I thought the lampshade looked a little plain! 🙂

Add Washi Tape to Lamp Shade

Add Washi Tape to Lamp Shade

So I decided to add some tape to it!

Lamp Shade Update with Washi Tape

Add Washi Tape to Lamp Shade

Add Washi Tape to Lamp Shade

This was a really easy, quick and beautiful upgrade! Now her lampshade matches her room color palette perfectly! It was also so simple to execute. All I did was cut single strips for each edge, position them straight & level, and then trim off the excess. First, I did the top rom, which I placed immediately beneath the top edge, so that served as a straightedge for me! Then I did the bottom edge, again abutting the bottom edge. Finally, I took strips and placed them vertically centered around each edge, folding it down the center and pressing the tape down firmly.
Add Washi Tape to Lamp Shade

Add Washi Tape to Lamp Shade

It was an easy project that took only 20 minutes, and now it looks so sweet in her room! For a reminder on the different projects we completed in her room, we hung DIY curtain rods, stenciled hearts on the wall, and did an Ikea Rast dresser makeover.


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