Tips for Safe Outdoor Play During Summer
June 25, 2019This post was sponsored by Landscape Structures as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
I still cannot believe that another school year has come to an end. My littlest just graduated Kindergarten and my oldest just finished second grade. Now that summer is in full swing over here, I’m trying to keep these kids entertained every single day. On a typical day, we actually spend a lot of time outdoors: playing at our local Landscape Structures park, hiking, swimming, going on nature walks, etc. Today I’ll share some tips for safe outdoor play all summer long.
1. Use sunscreen.
Regardless of the cloud cover in the sky, it’s essential to apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors. That’s because UVA and UVB rays can pass right through clouds and still potentially cause skin damage. It’s recommended to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and apply every two hours. If engaging in high-exertion activities or swimming, apply more often. Feel free to let your child apply his/her own sunscreen but supervise the application to ensure that no areas are missed.
2. Supervise at the playground.
We visit our local Landscape Structures playground a few times per week. The kids always have a blast playing with the various pieces of equipment and I love that they are being active outdoors. I try to stay near them and supervise so I can help if needed, especially for my younger one.
With the preponderance of technology in use by kids these days, it’s more important than ever to encourage kids to get outdoors and play. By spending time on the playground, my daughters have learned so many social skills, such as playing together in groups, taking turns on the slide, interacting with different personalities, and more.
I really love that Landscape Structures parks tend to have the widest variety of equipment available among all the parks we’ve visited.
In fact, among all the playgrounds in our area, this is the kids’ favorite one – by far!
Playing outside is not just for entertainment; it’s actually instilling positive lifelong habits. By giving my kids the opportunity to play outdoors often, I’m helping them grow more confident in their abilities. It’s also creating the positive habit of a healthier, more active lifestyle.
Learning how to navigate the different playground structures enables them to experience self-discovery in new ways.
Did you know that Landscape Structures designs better playgrounds that welcome all ages and abilities? It’s specifically designed to be inclusive of all children- and that’s something that puts a smile on my face!
Not surprisingly, these playgrounds are a popular gathering spot for the children in a community.
To learn more about Landscape Structures, visit them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Also, check out this video below to learn more about the importance of play.
Don’t forget to find a Landscape Structures playground near you and experience the innovative play for yourselves.
3. Avoid the midday sun.
When possible, try to plan outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon. The midday hours are usually the hottest and therefore, the toughest on the body. My girls and I always try to visit the playground, go on a hike, or do outdoor sports during the cooler parts of the day. It generally keeps everyone cooler, more comfortable and in a better mood.
4. Stay hydrated.
During the spring & summer, staying hydrated is essential when engaging in outdoor activities. Whether your child is competitively playing a sport or simply running around the park for 30 minutes, frequent water breaks are important to prevent dehydration. If it’s a particularly hot day, consider using an electrolyte-based sports drink to replenish electrolytes lost to perspiration.
5. Avoid dangerous plants.
With kids spending so much time outdoors during the warmer months, it’s a good idea to teach them to recognize and avoid poisonous plants. Poison ivy grows as a vine or shrub; look for three-pointed, notched leaves per stem. Poison oak grows only as a shrub in the western United States; it looks just like poison ivy with rounded leaf tips. Poison sumac is a tall shrub found in wooded areas of the eastern states; look for 6-12 leaves growing in pairs with a single leaf on top of stems. If any of these plants is accidentally touched, be sure to wash affected skin & clothing as quickly as possible. If a rash develops, see a physician.
Don’t forget to find a Landscape Structures playground near you. Do you follow any of these tips for outdoor play during summer? Did I forget any other essential tips?

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It’s going to be so interesting to observe my son as he gets older and formulates things and activities he is fond of! My husband and I are hoping it’s GOLF so during the summer months he can go to GOLF camp – haha!
I will do anything that will keep my kiddo off the screen time. I think that they need to run around and play and have fun and just be kids. And I think the screen has rob them of this sometimes. I would love to take my kiddo to a park like this.
Doing outdoor activities in the summer is so great for the kiddos! What a great playground this is.
These are really helpful tips. It’s so important to stay hydrated and use sunscreen during outdoor play.
So fun! My daughter loves to be outside. But yes, I make sure she stays hydrated and has sunscreen, because it’s hot in Texas.
Great tips and sunscreen and safety are the most important part of play outside. Landscape Structures are the best play areas I have seen or used for my kids.
Such a wide variety of interesting equipment!!
I am such an advocate of play! This structure looks like it would keep a kid occupied for a long while.
Good ideas! The weather has been so nice so it’s been perfect for outdoor time. We still have to take precautions though.
Yes, it’s important to stay safe!
These are really great tips! Playing outside has a definite and immediate impact on my kid’s mood over the summer – we make it a priority every day no matter the weather, and these tips are really perfect for making it a safe and happy time!
All times of year we love hunting down new playgrounds, from modern one to the really old ones! With so much screen time kids these days need more space and more time to take risks and find their limits and playgrounds can help them do that. Be around but don’t copter I think is best!
Yes, playgrounds are more important than ever!
WONDERFUL tips. It’s so important for safe play. Especially at playgrounds and places it’s easy to get hurt!
I wish there are lots of beautiful and safe playground like this in our area. Thank you for these tips, we always want to go out and be active so these are helpful.
I think these are all wonderful tips. Sunscreen is always a must. I also agree with being supervised. I’m always watching my kids and staying near. I want them to have fun but be safe too.
I love that their structures are inclusive of all children. Every child deserves a safe space to play outside!
These are great tips! Summer is too short to worry about danger or injury.
The weather isn’t so bad this summer in California! So gloomy and not too hot 🙂 just perfect!.
These look like some great tips for playing outdoors. That looks like a great park to take the kids to.