How to Repurpose Old Content

April 10, 2018 0 By EngineerMommy

If you’ve been blogging for some time, you will know the struggle of creating new content on a regular basis. It can be quite difficult to come up with new post topics every single day… let alone a few times per day (if you’re really serious about content creation).

However, the good news is that you don’t necessarily have to create brand new content every single time you sit down to write. In fact, some of your old posts may be repurposed to create new posts. Sound good? Keep reading…

How to Repurpose Old Content


For me, I really like the idea of sitting down and creating my blog content ahead of time. This means that I will sit down and create a dozen or more posts in one day. Then I will schedule these posts for the next few weeks. Of course, keep in mind that this does not include sponsored posts. These usually come in about one week before they are due to be published. However, for all the non-sponsored stuff, I like the idea of creating them in bulk ahead of time and setting them to go live at various points in the future.

Keep in mind that the best source of content to be re-purposed is evergreen content… that is, material that is not specific to particular holidays or seasons. It’s content that is just as relevant in March as in December.

1. Create a slideshow!
Take your blog post and create a slideshow. Separate the blog post content into distinct sections and create a set of slides. Consider changing the color of the font or adding some eye-catching images to the slides for visual impact. You could also add your blog logo or URL to the top of each slide for extra branding effect. A slideshow is a great way to present blog posts that are in list form.

2. Create videos!
Creating a video and posting it on YouTube or Instagram can be a great way to get more use out of your pre-made content. Simply create a series of images or film some short clips and use voice-over narration. Whether you’re sharing a fun recipe or a lifestyle hack, videos are a great way to catch people’s attention. In fact, I truly believe that video is the key to the future of influencer marketing.

3. Create a podacst!
Create a podcast of your content. Simply use a voice recorder to capture yourself reading the post content aloud. Then you can distribute this audio version on social media, on a dedicated sales page or via a new blog post.

4. Create an email course!
If your original blog post is exhaustive and full of useful information, split it up into multiple sections and create an easy email course. Services like ConvertKit make this whole process easy and seamless. Offer your readers these tidbits of information weekly (or any other frequency you prefer) via email and encourage them to click through to the blog for more details.

5. Do a live stream on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube!
Live video is the wave of the future. People want to consume media in a quick, efficient way. Consider transforming your blog post into a live video that you can share with your social media followers. Also, be sure to answer any questions from your audience.

6. Use Facebook groups!
People join Facebook groups for support, guidance and answers to their questions. Consider using your blog posts to help answer questions posed by fellow members. However, avoid the temptation to drop your links without first establishing a relationship with the group. Be present, offer advice and ask your own questions first. Also, be sure to check the Rules of your particular groups – some groups forbid placing direct links to blog posts.

7. Create visual content for social media!
Got a great blog post? Create a visual infographic to post on social media. Use a free program like Canva or Inkscape to create an eye-catching image that presents your material, along with vibrant, colorful fonts. Infographics can be a fun, innovative way to get your content in front of more eyes!

I hope these tips have inspired you to repurpose your content in the future. Do you follow any of these tips already?


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