Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

November 6, 2017 24 By EngineerMommy

This post was sponsored Tai Pei, all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

I am all about productivity… in fact, getting stuff done fuels me up! There’s nothing more satisfying than checking tasks off my to-do list. Today, I’ll be sharing some smart tips on improving productivity throughout the day. Whether you’re a working mom who shows up at the office, an entrepreneur who works from home, or a parent who manages a household with young kids, these tips will be universally applicable. These are simple – yet smart – ways to avoid distractions and keep your focus on your goals. From choosing convenient lunch options like Tai Pei Fried Rice to going for a jog in the middle of the day, I’m sharing some easy lifestyle tips today.

1. Track your day!
On a typical day, I rely on both my monthly calendar and my to-do list. They help me create a task schedule that accounts for my short-term and long-term goals. Together, this system helps me meet all my deadlines and provides a structure for my day every day. Here’s how I keep my personal and professional tasks organized:

  • My monthly calendar is where I record deadlines and due dates. If a post is due on a particular day, I’ll input that into my monthly calendar.
  • I use my daily to-do list to create a schedule for the day. I’ll input all the tasks I intend to accomplish throughout the day. I put both personal (meet friends for lunch) and professional (write blog post) tasks on my daily to-do lists.

TIP: Highlight your personal tasks a different color from the professional ones, so it’s easy to see at a glance the various things that need to completed in one day.

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

2. Keep lunch simple!
I have made it a priority in my life that once the kids get home at 3pm, I am always present for them. This means no more work or distractions after 3pm. So while the kids are in school, I am in a mad dash to get all the things done. For lunch, I like to keep things simple – and delicious – with Tai Pei Asian Food. It features all new entrees with amazing flavor in each dish. There are so many tasty varieties available at the store and each is made with flavor-infused rice.

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

I have written before about how Tai Pei helps us save time in the evenings, but I also love to count on it for weekday lunches for myself, too. One of the best things about these entrees is their convenience. In only minutes, I can heat up a delicious Asian meal in the microwave thanks to the innovative packaging.
Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

The flavor is authentic and delicious. You won’t believe this was prepared in mere minutes! As someone who is trying to make smart food choices, I appreciate that all entrees are made with real ingredients without any preservatives or artificial ingredients.
Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

I tried the Beef & Broccoli on this particular day and it was delicious! I love the big pieces of marinated beef and crunchy broccoli throughout the fried rice. The Tai Pei single serve line of Asian inspired frozen entrees have none of the bad stuff – it’s just quality ingredients and delicious goodness!
Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Feeding myself for lunch has never been easier or more yummy! With Tai Pei, I can banish the boredom of typical meals and choose something unique & delicious! With a microwave nearby, I can quickly prepare one of these flavorful Asian food meals.
Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Use the store locator on this webpage to find Tai Pei Frozen Fried Rice entrees near you (in the frozen food section).
Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

To enter the Tai Pei sweepstakes (valid from October 26th – November 15th, 2017), simply use the widget below. Ten lucky winners will each win a $100 Walmart gift card each. Please note that I-C will randomly select 10 winners from all program entries and will facilitate fulfillment of the winning prizes.
Tai Pei Sweepstakes

Stay tuned for future posts, where I will share more about our love for Tai Pei entrees.

3. Take a break!
Although it might seem counter-intuitive at first, one way to boost productivity is to take a break from work occasionally. Yes, when you step away from the computer for 10 minutes, you can clear your mind and return to work in a more focused way. Here are some ways I like to clear my mind so I can boost my productivity during the day:

  • Make a cup of tea (or coffee). The act of steeping tea is relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time for me.
  • Head to the local coffee shop and pick up a drink. When I return to the computer, I’m usually ready to get stuff done.
  • Go for a quick walk or jog around the neighborhood. The fresh air and short burst of cardio energizes me for a productive afternoon.

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

Brilliant Tips to Boost Productivity

I hope these tips have inspired you to boost your productivity throughout the day. Take advantage of this coupon to save $1 on Tai Pei Asian Food!

Have you ever tried Tai Pei Frozen Fried Rice entrees? What is your best tip for boosting productivity during the day?


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