The Diaper Need Problem & How You Can Help

July 26, 2016 18 By EngineerMommy

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for AWHONN through the Mom It Forward Blogger Network. All opinions are mine alone.

As mothers, we want to provide everything for our children. From the moment our babies are born, we try to anticipate their needs and give them everything they need. From comfort to milk to diapers, babies rely on us to fulfill their needs.

The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

Did you know that many mothers throughout the country cannot afford to buy diapers? In fact, 1 in 3 families in the United States experience diaper need, which is not having enough diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy. What’s quite surprising is that researchers from Yale University discovered that not having enough diapers was more stressful to moms than not having a place to live! Isn’t that shocking?
The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

Diaper need is a real problem in our country, but I’m going to tell you how AWHONN is trying to bridge that gap… and how you can help!
The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

Not having enough diapers for a baby is a serious problem with real consequences. In fact, babies are prone to developing a severe diaper rash and potential infection from wearing soiled diapers for extended periods of time. When children enroll in daycare, parents often have to provide a supply of diapers. However, if the family cannot afford to purchase a diaper stash for daycare, the infant may have to withdraw from childcare. Sometimes, this means that mom or dad will need to quit their job to stay home with baby. Clearly, this domino effect can be quite devastating to families.
The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

The Diaper Need Problem & How to Help

However, there is hope for those struggling to afford diapers for their babies. AWHONN’s Healthy Mom&Baby, Huggies®, and the National Diaper Bank Network have partnered together to close the diaper gap. This year’s goal is to collect at least 250,000 diapers, and you can help them reach this worthwhile goal!

From July-August 2016, consider donating to the Healthy Mom&Baby Diaper Drive! Parents will already be purchasing traditional school supplies (pens, notebooks, etc.) during this back-to-school time. Why not throw in an extra box of diapers? You can even donate directly to to make an impact! A mere $20 donation is equivalent to two weeks of diapers to allow a child to attend daycare or preschool.

From September–October 2016, during Diaper Need Awareness Week, help spread the word that there are over 5 million babies / toddlers living in low-income families. Many of these families struggle to purchase enough diapers regularly. Furthermore, public assistance programs, such as food stamps and WIC, are not eligible for purchasing diapers! So, consider donating diapers directly to the 300+ banks of the National Diaper Bank Network.

Oh, and if you do make any donations directly on a local level, make sure your donations count on the national level. Simply report your donation online at

  • Simply visit and click on “Report Diaper Donations.”
  • Fill in the form.
  • Optional: You can enter your name to be recognized.
  • Check the box if you’re a nurse.
  • Click Submit!

If you’d like to purchase diapers to be donated in my community locally, you can do so using Amazon Wish List! Anshe Emeth Community Development Corporation is a diaper bank in New Brunswick, NJ that provides diapers to families who are struggling with diaper need. Click here to visit their Amazon Wish List, where you can purchase diapers via Amazon to be sent directly to the bank. Simply add a pack of diapers from the list to your cart, proceed to check out, and be sure to select Anshe Emeth Community Development Corporation’s shipping address from the list. Your diapers will go straight to their door and be distributed to families right here in New Brunswick, NJ.

Now, learn more about how you can help with the Diaper Drive and tell me: Have you ever donated diapers to someone in need? Would you consider making a monetary donation to a diaper bank?


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