DIY felt board for kids with printable templates

June 16, 2014 5 By EngineerMommy

This adorable DIY felt board for kids is so easy to make, costs next to nothing and can provide your toddler / preschooler hours and hours of entertainment! Win-win-win!

And if I’m being honest, I actually enjoyed making this too. Yes, it’s a lot of cutting felt, but I did enjoy cutting the various little animal shapes out of felt. I enjoyed picking which colors to use for which animals / houses / scene elements. I even let my daughter help me choose which color(s) to use on which pieces. She absolutely LOVED that part. And by being involved in the process of creating and designing this DIY felt board, she was that much more excited to play with her creation.

Let’s get to the tutorial, shall we?

DIY felt board for kids

DIY felt board for kids with printable templates

DIY felt board for kids with printable templates


  • foam board (I got mine from the Dollar Tree)
  • felt sheets in various colors
  • scissors
  • hot glue & glue gun


  • Cut out all the shapes of the various scene elements: trees, house, church, car, bus, animals, plane, clouds, sun, etc.
  • Lay them out on the foam board to determine the approximate size of each of the backgrounds: water, grass, sky. Make sure your backgrounds are sufficiently large to contain all the elements that belong in each background.
  • Using hot glue, adhere the various backgrounds to the foam board.
  • Hang it on the wall at a level convenient for kids. I simply inserted two screws in the top two corners of the board.
  • Position the felt scene elements on top of the backgrounds!

DIY felt board for kids tutorial steps

DIY felt board for kids tutorial steps

Below are the PDF files of the various scene elements. You may print these files out on paper and then cut them out to make templates for your own felt scene elements!
Felt scene elements

Felt scene elements

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below! Happy Crafting!


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