10 genius beauty hacks

June 28, 2014 2 By EngineerMommy

These beauty hacks are tips, tricks and strategies that make your beauty routine more effortless, more effective and more glamorous. From keeping lipstick off your teeth to applying concealer in a triangle shape, these beauty hacks are sure to have you in and out of the makeup seat in no time!

more effortless, more effective and more glamorous

Genius beauty hacks

10 Genius Beauty Hacks

10 Genius Beauty Hacks

Keep lipstick off your teeth!

Who wants lipstick on their teeth? I sure don’t! All you need to do is apply your lipstick as usual and then stick your finger in your mouth and then pull it out. The excess lipstick on the inside of your lips will come off onto your finger – and not on your teeth! Perfect.
Via livegorgeous
Keep lipstick off teeth!

Apply under-eye concealer in a triangle shape!

Concealer under the eye should be applied in a triangle shape, not dotted. It is more effective at covering up darkness / redness this way, and it speeds up the application process. I’m all for saving time with two young kids at home!
Via livegorgeous

Apply concealer in triangle shape!

Apply concealer in triangle shape!

Ombre manicures are easy if you use a makeup sponge!

Even though this look might seem like it takes hours of applying various nail polish colors, it actually goes a lot more quickly than that! All you need to do is apply the nail polish colors directly to a makeup sponge and then apply that to the nail itself. The sponge absorbs some of the color and facilitates the blending so it looks nice and graduated!
Via thebeautythesis

Ombre nails are easy to do using the sponge technique!

Ombre nails are easy to do using the sponge technique!

Get an even cupid’s bow shape on your lips!

Sometimes it can be hard to form the cupid’s bow on your lips and have it looking even. However, if you draw an ‘x’ on the center of the lips and then line the rest of the lips as usual, you will get an even, centered cupid’s bow.
Via makeup

Get an even cupid's bow shape!

Get an even cupid's bow shape!

DIY a dry shampoo!

If it’s been a few days since your last shampoo and your locks are looking a little oily / tired, freshen them up with this DIY homemade dry shampoo. It will soak up excess oil / moisture and leave your tresses looking and feeling fresher!
Via modcloth

Make your own DIY dry shampoo!

Make your own DIY dry shampoo!

Contour properly

In order for contouring to work, you have to apply the product in an exaggerated manner. It has to look a bit extreme – like warpaint. Then blend, blend and blend!
Via miisangiiemarie

Contour the right way!

Contour the right way!

A rubber band will help you make the perfect French manicure!

Use a rubber band to get the perfect edge shape and line for a French manicure. Who doesn’t have a rubber band or two at home?
Via paperraindrops

A rubber band makes the best french manicure aid!

A rubber band makes the best french manicure aid!

Glue makes glitter nail polish come off easily!

If you apply some white glue to your nail prior to applying glitter nail polish, you can avoid the dreaded glitter nail polish removal process. Normally it takes a long time to scrub off glitter nail polish, but with a layer of glue underneath, the glitter polish just peels off! Love a timesaver!
Via wackylaki

Glue helps glitter nail polish peel off easily!

Glue helps glitter nail polish peel off easily!

Make your nail polish dry quickly

Hate waiting forever for your nail polish to dry? You can dip your freshly-painted nails in ice water or stick them in the freezer for a bit to speed up the drying time.
Via wikihow

Dry your nail polish quickly!

Dry your nail polish quickly!

Apply eye shadow like a pro so it looks natural

If you want a makeup look that is natural and seamless, you need to know which colors to apply where on the eyelid. The order of which color to apply in which order is also essential- darker shadows need to be closest to the lash line, while the lighter colors need to be closest to the crease.
Via bunbunmakeuptips

Professional eyeshadow application

Professional eyeshadow application


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